Secured: Royal United Services Institute (Joinery)

We are pleased to announce that in the recent weeks, valued client, Coniston has awarded Blou Dynamic the joinery scope on the prestigious Royal United Services Institute on London’s Whitehall.

The works comprise of the refurbishment and fire upgrading of all existing Timber doorsets and the design, manufacture and installation of new Timber doorsets (including architraves and ironmongery) in various specifications to match existing designs.

The new doorsets are mainly Timber Stile/Rail Raised and Fielded, some featuring circular vision panels. Features such as this bring complexities when providing certified fire doors, however, Blou Dynamic has great experience in delivering bespoke fire doors. Through our extensive Supply Chain we look forward to finding innovative solutions.

Securing this project is something we have been working towards since commencing the roof construction back in early 2022. A key advantage Blou Dynamic has is the ability to deliver structural timber works and complex joinery packages.


Complete: Great Ormond Street Hospital


Secured: Pickle Factory